Resolution (Annual Conference in Dortmund 2017)
Freedom of the Press and Human Rights in Russia, especially Chechenia (German Version)
Resolution (Annual Conference in Dortmund 2017)
On the Situation in Turkey (German Version)
Joint Resolution(Annual Conference in Dortmund 2017)
Joint Resolution of the German PEN Centre, the Association of German Writers (VS) as Part of ver.di,
and the Confederation of the Friedrich-Bödecker-Kreise e. V. (German Version)
Resolution (Annual Conference in Dortmund 2017)
In Solidarity with Petra Reski (German Version)
Resolution (Annual Conference in Bamberg 2016)
Resolution Academics (German Version)
Resolution (Annual Conference in Bamberg 2016)
Deletion of Blasphemy Law (German Version)
Resolution (Annual Conference in Bamberg 2016)
Freedom for Can Dündar and Erdem Gül (German Version)
Three Appeals (Annual Conference in Magdeburg 2015)
Three Appeals for Strong Protection of Authors’ Rights
Resolution (Annual Conference in Magdeburg 2015)
Debt Repayment to Greece (German Version)
Resolution (Annual Conference in Magdeburg 2015)
Solidarity with Amelie Deuflhard (German Version)